Official Launching Of The Prokey Optimum

6 min
When we do something in life, we would want to do it the best we can. Call it doing it the most optimum way possible. Launching the very first product of our hardware wallet line-up has taken many steps and has shed many a drop of blood and tears but here we are, proud and very much excited. We would be happy if you continue reading through this post to get to know us better, but if you are already excited to have your very own Prokey Optimum, you can click here to purchase one now!
So, let's start off with how the ideation of the Prokey Optimum came into light, with a story of three life-long friends.
It is always an amazing story about what long-time friendships can create. From rock bands that took the world by storm to powerhouse companies that change the way we see the world. Ignoring the cliche nature of the phrase, the power of friendship is something everyone should experience. Prokey Technologies Sdn. Bhd. started with the rekindling of a 15-year-long friendship between three IT-savvy individuals.
Two of the three started working together in a cryptocurrency company focusing on the creation and management of software wallets. After a few years of working together, they realized that software wallets pale in comparison to hardware wallets in means of security and safety of funds and assets. They then reached out to another long-time friend of theirs, who at the time, was working in a bank handling everything there is about online banking and POS systems. When the two reached out to him with questions pertaining to the possibility of conceptualizing and designing their very own hardware wallet, he got right into it; diving deep into research about cryptocurrency and wallets for two straight weeks before deciding to join the two in the venture to create a hardware wallet. With the additional expertise in the security systems relating to online banking, POS, and mutual authentication, the trio began to brainstorm and soon after Prokey Technologies was established with the first hardware wallet prototype working tremendously well.
As soon as the prototype was working properly, the trio began to strengthen the firmware aspect of the Optimum.
Now that we're done walking down memory lane, let's walk the aisle of what makes the Prokey Optimum a preferred choice in protecting your cryptocurrency assets. First, let's take a look at why hardware wallets are the better choice in keeping your funds and keys safe.
The main difference between hardware wallets and software wallets is where the vital information is stored. Software wallets depend on physical servers and harddrive storage spaces to store the information pertaining to your cryptocurrency. Whereas, hardware wallets store the information physically on the devices themselves, giving you full control and authority on the handling and safe-keeping of your funds and keys. Consider a hacking attempt or a malware that exists on your computer. When using a software wallet, your funds and keys are susceptible to being compromised and you will not only lose access to them but also lose them entirely. Now, consider hacking into a hardware wallet. The only possible way for someone to "hack" into the physical device that you have is to physically take it from you but often, you will not lose access to your funds and keys. This is because whoever took your device will still need access to your recovery seed and passphrase; both you would have stored offline and not on a server or on a hard drive.
The Prokey Optimum does exactly this. It stores the keys that grant you access to your funds physically in a protected area of a microcontroller. This eliminates the ability to transfer the keys out of the device in plaintext. The keys will never be exposed to anything that can compromise software, inclusive of hacking, malwares, and malfunctions.
It is always better to have more layers of security on top of what you already have. More padlocks on your door, more guard dogs around a building, more bouncers at a club. This is also very much applicable to the security of hardware wallets. Apart from the unexposed private keys and your own control over the transactions, the addition of having PIN encryption helps add another layer to the overall security of your funds and keys. Picture your hardware wallet gets stolen or you lose it and someone wants to access your funds and keys, they will not be able to do so without knowing your PIN code. Commonly, a hardware wallet will provide three chances to enter the correct PIN number, of which after the third wrong entry is put in, the device will automatically wipe itself, ridding the public and private keys, ensuring that your funds are safe and sound. The Prokey Optimum gives fifteen chances and though you may think this is not favourable, the system doubles the amount of time between wrong tries.
What makes a hardware wallet the more preferred choice to protect your funds and keys is its security. The Prokey Optimum boasts a secure firmware that also offers USDT support and opens straight on a Google Chrome browser. With our super safe firmware, phishing threats are reduced to the minimum, granting you easy access to all your funds without even using external wallets or supplementary software or apps. This is a platform that we have built to handle all of your cryptocurrency needs.
So now you have read up until this point and you may be wondering where to get yourself your very own Prokey Optimum. Available on our very own webstore, you can start your purchasing right now.
We are nearly at the end of the post. Here we would like to say thank you to you, the reader and also our potential user and customer, for your time and consideration. We have stitched up a comments section at the bottom of this page for you to share your thoughts and we would very much appreciate any feedback you have so we can continue to provide and service you the best that we can.
You can also head to our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit to get the latest news and updates about our journey to becoming your trusted and reliable cryptocurrency brand name. Until the next one, we are signing off with a hearty goodbye and a wish for you to have the best day.
See you!
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